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Originally delivered on 9/18/2024 5:06 pm

SUBJECT: Husky Howler - September 2024 [UPDATED]


Apologies to those getting this for the second time. The updated calendar (with a link for tonight's PTA meeting) is included, as the previous newsletter had a couple of incorrect dates. Minor edits/clarifications were also made to the uniform policy section.

Crescent Heights Elementary PTA
PTA logo
Husky Howler Newsletter
September 2024
Message from the PTA President

Welcome back to another fabulous school year, CHE families!

In this monthly newsletter, you'll find information about Crescent Heights Elementary and our PTA activities. We have the best PTA around, and we work hard toward our mission to support students, families, and staff by fostering an inclusive school community and enriching the learning experience of every child. Our PTA is for everyone, and we invite you to get involved in big or small ways this year. 

To stay up-to-date with all of the activities and special events we're offering, make sure to follow us on Facebook and/or Instagram, join our Facebook group (Crescent Heights Elementary Families), and visit our website at Creating an account on our website will ensure you receive our monthly Husky Howler newsletter (even if you don't join the PTA). 

If you ever have a question or concern, please don't hesitate to contact the PTA at, or myself directly at

Go Huskies! 

Adrienne Brand
CHE PTA President

News & Events
PTA Membership Drive

Now is the moment to renew your PTA membership for the 2024/2025 academic school year! 

Simply signing up as a member does not obligate you to volunteer or attend meetings, but it DOES help support the opportunities, programs, and events the PTA hosts throughout the year like the Scholastic Book Fair and Popcorn Fridays. It allows us to support staff through the educator discretionary fund and staff grants. And it helps us build community with special events such as the Harvest Festival and Family Skate Nights.

 So what are you waiting for? Join today!

Become a Member Today!
Interested in being a Room Parent?

We're currently working with CHE staff to identify Room Parents for each class! We would love to connect with you if you're interested in serving in this important role. In a nutshell, here are the basics:

  • Room parents communicate closely with teachers and the PTA and help relay important information to all of the families in their class! Each month, starting in October, room parents will get an email from me (the room parent coordinator) with information about what's going on around the school and within the PTA! We'll work hard to share information with you so you can share information with your class families!
  • Room parents play a role in planning special events such as the Harvest/Halloween party (October), the Valentine’s Day party (February) and Teacher Appreciation Week (early May).  
  • Room parents may choose to recognize your teacher’s birthday and any other special event your teacher needs help with.

If this sounds like a role you might be interested in, connect with your classroom teacher and let them know you are interested! We'll work with them to identify a room parent for each class.

If you have any questions about this important role or need additional information, please feel free to contact me.  I have been a room parent many times and would be happy to share ideas with you!

Nicole Kendrick – Room Parent Coordinator


You Can Now Order Yearbooks

Yearbooks for this school year are now available to order. Our yearbooks come with the option to create two FREE custom pages to fill up with fun photos and memories from the school year. Order by September 30th and get 10% off!

 Order here:

Reminders & Updates
2024-2025 Uniform Policy

In addition to modifying our uniform colors/options, CHE staff and community, agree to equally hold our students accountable with total respect. This creates unity and builds relationships because all students hear the same message and are held to the same uniform expectations, regardless of gender, grade, life outside of school, or teacher.

Solid Tops

  • Tops need to have collars or be turtlenecks and can be white, navy, or hunter/forest green or black colored.
  • Light blue is not a uniform color and should only be worn on free dress days.
  • All tops should meet the beltline and sleeves are to be a minimum of three fingers wide. 
  • No stomach/ belly showing.
  • Students can also wear school spirit wear.

Solid Bottoms

  • Pants, skirts, shorts, rompers, stretchy waist, comfortable bottoms must be khaki or navy, black or blue jeans.
  • No holes, rips, tears, words, or embellishments.
  • Bottoms are not to be skintight or see through.
  • Shorts, skirts, and dresses must be mid-thigh if no tights/ leggings are worn underneath.
  • If they don't align with these guidelines, the student will change into approved clothing.

Tights & Socks

  • These items that go over your foot an up your leg may be printed and have multiple colors if ALL the colors are navy blue, forest/hunter green, white, ten/khaki, or black.
  • Socks that do not show, like ones worn under long pants that can't be seen) can be any colors.

Hats & Hoods

  • For safety and ease of identifying our Huskies, hats & hoods are to be worn outside, or with the approval of their classroom teacher inside their classroom. 
  • They are NEVER to be worn in hallways or lunchroom. 

Coats & Sweaters

  • Coats and sweaters that are not uniform colors can be worn inside the classroom, with the approval of their classroom teacher.
  • Coats/Sweaters that are uniform colors (navy blue, forest/hunter green, black, tan/khaki or white) may be worn inside the building if they are not interfering with the learning environment and final discretion is up to the classroom teacher. 
  • Hooded spirit wear sweatshirts are fine as long as the hood is not up when indoors.

Free Dress Days

  • The 1st Friday of every month will be a Free Dress Day. On months that we are out of school the 1st Friday, Free Dress Day will be moved to the 2nd Friday.
  • Clothing needs to adhere to the TPS dress code policy: No hate, vulgar or inappropriate messages, no bellies showing, shorts/skirts at least mid-thigh, no see-through or skin-tight clothing, rips/holes in bottoms to be at or below the knee and shirt sleeves minimum of 3 fingers wide), pants worn with holes, rips/tears MUST be at or below the knee or student will be asked to change.
  • School-wide ASB spirit days will be on Fridays. A few other select days, such as Valentine’s Day, Veterans Day, and Say NO to Bullying Day, will be school-wide, so all can participate. Students are always welcome to wear their uniform if they choose not to participate in Spirit Days.

Additional Guidelines

  • Class t-shirts can be worn any day of the week IF they are in uniform colors. 
  • Classes that select a class shirt that is not an approved uniform color, can wear them on Free Dress Day or on the day of their field trip. 
  • For consistency, NO special dress days for classes or grade levels for ABC countdown or other class prizes (except 3rd-5th after completion of the SBA). Students will continue to be able to earn a Free Dress Day pass or pay Husky Bucks for a Free Dress Day pass that they may use on any date they choose.

Uniform Support

  • If you have uniforms that no longer fit or if your child no longer attends our school, we always appreciate gently used uniform items that are clean and stain-free.
  • If your family could use support with obtaining uniform clothing, please reach out to our school counselor, Miss Jaimie Smith at We have plenty of clothing that we will provide free of charge. 

Volunteering at Crescent Heights?

Do you anticipate volunteering this year at the school through the PTA or in your students' classroom? For the month of September most classes will be settling into their routine but opportunities to get involved at the school may start as early as October. Make sure you're ready to go by completing the Parent/Legal Guardian Volunteer Form and submitting your application the the administrative staff in the front office! Every volunteer who works in the school during school hours will need to complete this process on an annual basis.

Remember to allow up to two weeks for the application and background clearance process.

PTA/School Calendar
Wednesday, September 18
7:00p PTA General Membership Meeting
Friday, September 20
Popcorn Friday
Wednesday, September 25
Late Start
Monday, September 30
6:00p Watch D.O.G.S. Info/Pizza Night
Wednesday, October 2
Late Start
Friday, October 4
Popcorn Friday
Free Dress Day
Monday, October 7
Tuesday, October 8
Wednesday, October 9
Late Start
Thursday, October 10
Friday, October 11
Saturday, October 12
Sunday, October 13
Monday, October 14
8:40a Scholastic Book Fair
Tuesday, October 15
12:00a Scholastic Book Fair
Conferences - Early Release
Wednesday, October 16
12:00a Scholastic Book Fair
Late Start
Thursday, October 17
12:00a Scholastic Book Fair
Conferences - Early Release
Friday, October 18
12:00a Scholastic Book Fair
Conferences - Early Release
Wednesday, October 23
Late Start
Sponsor Acknowledgement
Your Logo Could Be Here!

Would like to financially support the PTA in our mission of enriching the lives of our students? You can! Please take a look at our sponsorship page for more information on how to be a Husky Corporate Sponsor. 

Note: sponsorship will not be solicited or accepted from companies that manufacture products or take public positions that are inconsistent with the national and state PTA’s positions and resolutions (e.g. firearm, tobacco, or alcohol companies, political or religious organizations). 

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